CANDOR Bioscience公司成立于2004年,是一家致力于研发生产销售免疫分析试剂的化公司,所有CANDOR产品均在德国Wangen的工厂生产。目前,CANDOR为研究和开发实验室以及用于人类,兽医,食品和环境诊断的常规检测试剂盒制造商提供50多种高质量的免疫检测产品。
CANDOR提供 50 多种不同的产品,包括 HAMA 和干扰阻断剂、表面阻断剂、稳定剂和用于免疫测定的缓冲溶液。通过使用这些解决方案,可以提高结果的可靠性,可以简化化验并减少处理时间。
50 多个国家/地区的 1000 多家客户使用 CANDOR 产品并受益于 CANDOR 在检测开发和样品测量方面的专业知识。
CANDOR开发了一种解决方案LowCross-Buffer。这种创新的解决方案即使在关键基质中也能进行可靠和可重复的分析,因为它“降低了交叉反应性"并减少了其他干扰,如矩阵效应。如今,科学家们都可以通过常规使用 LowCross-Buffer 来相信他们的分析结果。目前,它已被引入世界各地的实验室并取得了巨大成功。
CANDOR为研发实验室以及人类、兽医、食品和环境诊断常规检测试剂盒的制造商提供 50 多种高可靠性、灵敏度和重现性的免疫分析解决方案。
CANDOR Bioscience is an internationally oriented enterprise.
CANDOR develops, produces and distributes a comprehensive selection of premium solutions for immunoassays.
CANDOR developed a solution to overcome these problems of interference. This innovative solution enables for reliable and reproducible assays even in critical matrices.It has been introduced in laboratories worldwide with great success. CANDOR calls this solution LowCross-Buffer as it “lowers cross-reactivities" and reduces other interference like matrix effects. Nowadays scientists worldwide can trust in the results of their assay by using LowCross-Buffer routinely.
Additional solutions to further enhance reliability, sensitivity and reproducibility of immunoassays have been developed since this time. Today CANDOR supplies more than 50 high-quality solutions for immunoassays to research and development laboratories as well as to manufacturers of routine testing kits for human, veterinary, food and environmental diagnostics.
CANDOR offers more than 50 different products including HAMA and interference blockers, surface blockers, stabilizers and buffer solutions for immunoassays. By using these solutions the reliability of results can be improved, the assay can be simplified and process times can be reduced.
More than 1000 customers in over 50 countries use CANDOR products and benefit from the CANDOR expertise in assay development and sample measurement.
货号 | 产品名称 | 规格 | 单位 |
100050* | LowCross-Buffer® | 50ml | Bot |
100125* | 125ml | Bot | |
100500* | 500ml | Bot | |
105050* | SampleBuffer | 50ml | Bot |
105125* | 125ml | Bot | |
105500* | 500ml | Bot | |
106050 | SampleBufferwithoutTween | 50ml | Bot |
106125 | 125ml | Bot | |
106500 | 500ml | Bot | |
110050 | TheBlockingSolution | 50ml | Bot |
110125 | 125ml | Bot | |
110500 | 500ml | Bot | |
112125 | PlateBlock | 125ml | Bot |
112500 | 500ml | Bot | |
113125 | SmartBlock | 125ml | Bot |
113500 | 500ml | Bot | |
115125 | BSA-Block | 125ml | Bot |
115500 | 500ml | Bot | |
120125 | CoatingBufferpH7.4 | 125ml | Bot |
120500 | 500ml | Bot | |
121125 | CoatingBufferpH9.6 | 125ml | Bot |
121500 | 500ml | Bot | |
130050* | AntibodyStabilizerTRIS | 50ml | Bot |
130125* | 125ml | Bot | |
130500* | 500ml | Bot | |
131050* | AntibodyStabilizerPBS | 50ml | Bot |
131125* | 125ml | Bot | |
131500* | 500ml | Bot | |
140500 | WashingBufferPBS | 500ml | Bot |
141500 | WashingBufferPBSwithoutTween | 500ml | Bot |
145500 | WashingBufferTRIS | 500ml | Bot |
146500 | WashingBufferTRISwithoutTween | 500ml | Bot |
150050 | StrippingBuffer | 50ml | Bot |
150125 | 125ml | Bot | |
150500 | 500ml | Bot | |
160050 | LiquidPlateSealer® | 50ml | Bot |
160125 | 125ml | Bot | |
160500 | 500ml | Bot | |
163050 | LiquidPlateSealer®animal-free | 50ml | Bot |
163125 | 125ml | Bot | |
163500 | 500ml | Bot | |
180050 | AssayDefender® | 50ml | Bot |
180125 | 125ml | Bot | |
180500 | 500ml | Bot | |
222050* | HRP-Protector | 50ml | Bot |
222125* | 125ml | Bot | |
222500* | 500ml | Bot | |
235050 | AP-Protector® | 50ml | Bot |
235125 | 125ml | Bot | |
235500 | 500ml | Bot | |
270050* | LowCross®HRP-Stab | 50ml | Bot |
270125* | 125ml | Bot | |
270500* | 500ml | Bot | |
200050* | LowCross®HRP | 50ml | Bot |
200125* | 125ml | Bot | |
200500* | 500ml | Bot | |
400902 | SafetyTector™S | 1l | Bot |
600001 | CANDORStarterPackagesmall | 1Kit | Kit |
600002 | CANDORStarterPackagelarge | 1Kit | Kit |
600011 | CANDORStarterPackageIHCsmall | 1Kit | Kit |
600012 | CANDORStarterPackageIHClarge | 1Kit | Kit |
600021 | CANDORBlockingSamplerPackagesmall | 1Kit | Kit |
600022 | CANDORBlockingSamplerPackagelarge | 1Kit | Kit |
600025 | CANDORBlockingSamplerPackageELISAsmall | 1Kit | Kit |
600026 | CANDORBlockingSamplerPackageELISAlarge | 1Kit | Kit |
600031 | ELISASamplerPackage2 CoViD-19 | 1Kit | Kit |
600901 | ProfessionalDeveloperPackageLowCrosssmall | 1Kit | Kit |
600902 | ProfessionalDeveloperPackageLowCrosslarge | 1Kit | Kit |
600911 | ProfessionalStabilizerPackageHRPTRIS | 1Kit | Kit |
720040 | ReadyTector®Anti-Mouse-HRP | 2x40ml | Bot |
720120 | ReadyTector®Anti-Mouse-HRP | 2x120ml | Bot |
720500 | ReadyTector®Anti-Mouse-HRP | 2x500ml | Bot |
730040 | ReadyTector®Anti-Rabbit-HRP | 2x40ml | Bot |
730120 | ReadyTector®Anti-Rabbit-HRP | 2x120ml | Bot |
730500 | ReadyTector®Anti-Rabbit-HRP | 2x500ml | Bot |
700500 | ReadyTector®WashBuffer10x | 500ml | Bot |
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