北京58必威外网 代理Reagents在中国的业务。Reagents代理,Reagents代理,Reagents华东代理,Reagents华北代理,Reagents华中代理,Reagents华南代理,lucigen基因测序代理
Lucigen Corporation成立1998年,位于威斯康星州,致力于通过为生命科学和医疗保健专业人士提供优质产品和服务来改善人们的生活。核心竞争力包括酶,蛋白质表达,克隆,感受态细胞,二代基因测序和分子诊断。
产品 | 规格 | 货号 | 价格 |
Ampligase DNA ligase kit | 1000units | A8101 | $179 |
Biotin-16-UTP | 500 nmol | BU6105H | $249.00 |
TargetAmp™ 1-Round Biotin-aRNA Amplification Kit 105 | 24 Reactions | TAB1R80524 | $916.00 |
TargetAmp™-Nano Labeling Kit for Illumina Expression BeadChip | 24 Reactions | TAN07924 | $770.00 |
CRISPRcraft S.p. Cas9 Nuclease, 10 mg/mL (62 µM) | 120 µg | 70020-1 | $195.00 |
CRISPRcraft S.p. Cas9 Nuclease Control Kit | 10 rxns | 70030-1 | $130.00 |
BigEasy v2.0 Linear Cloning Kit (pJAZZ-OC NotI Vector) | 5 rxns | 43024-1 | $330.00 |
BigEasy v2.0 Linear Cloning Kit (pJAZZ-OK Blunt Vector) | 5 rxns | 43036-1 | $330.00 |
BigEasy v2.0 Linear Cloning Kit (pJAZZ-OK NotI Vector) | 5 rxns | 43042-1 | $330.00 |
BigEasy® v2.0 Linear Cloning Kit (pJAZZ-OC Blunt Vector) | 5 rxns | 43018-1 | $330.00 |
BigEasy-TSA Electrocompetent Cells | 6 rxns (SOLOs) | 60224-1 | $164.00 |
OmniCleave™ Endonuclease | 50,000 Units | OC7850K | $267.00 |
BigEasy v2.0 Linear Cloning Kit (pJAZZ-OC NotI Vector) | 5 rxns | 43024-1 | $330.00 |
BigEasy v2.0 Linear Cloning Kit (pJAZZ-OK Blunt Vector) | 5 rxns | 43036-1 | $330.00 |
BigEasy® v2.0 Linear Cloning Kit (pJAZZ-OC Blunt Vector) | 5 rxns | 43018-1 | $330.00 |
CloneSmart HCAmp Blunt Cloning Kit | 20 rxns | 40041-2 | $246.00 |
CloneSmart LCAmp Blunt Cloning Kit | 20 rxns | 40300-2 | $292.00 |
CloneSmart LCKan Blunt Cloning Kit | 20 rxns | 40821-2 | $292.00 |
End-It™ DNA End-Repair Kit | 20 Reactions | ER0720 | $103.00 |
CloneID™ 1X Colony PCR Mix | 50 rxns | 30059-0 | |
Expresso® Solubility and Expression Screening System | 24 rxns (3 rxns for each vector) | 49060-1 | $979.00 |
Expresso® T7 Cloning and Expression System, N-His | 5 rxns | 49001-1 | $204.00 |
Expresso® T7 SUMO Cloning and Expression System | 5 rxns | 49003-1 | $283.00 |
I-Control™ BL21(DE3) Chemically Competent Cells (SOLOs) | 12 rxns (SOLOs) | 60435-1 | $165.00 |
SUMO Express Protease | 200 U | 30801-2 | $233.00 |
EZ-Tn5™ | 10 Reactions | EZI912D | $500.00 |
EZ-Tn5™ | 10 Reactions | EZI982K | $500.00 |
BETWAY Nigeria :
4.基因分型(SNP检测):低/中/中 高通量项目;
二、58必威外网 多家代理品牌,涉及30多种,经营代理500多个品牌:
Qiagen、Sigma、R&D、Epigentek、ThermoFisher、DNA Genotek、USA Scientific、
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CST、Roche、Bethyl、sino Biological、clodrosome、adi
BIO-WORLD、TOKU-E、HYPHEN BioMed、moltox、ZeptoMetrix
International Humic、biocytex、Toxin Technology 、Streck
Elastin、biomax、Orflo Technologies、Accegen、Advbiomart、genlantis、coaChrom
cerilliant、Cygnus Technologies LLC、Enzyme Research、Bio/Data Corporation
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BETWAY Nigeria 所有生物试剂耗材都可以进口,特别是冷门品牌,均能给客户购买到。价格优,货期短,可加急,zui快10天到货;保证服务质量,所有产品均提供售后服务。大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,