Biomatrica试剂代理——BETWAY Nigeria ,提供Biomatrica产品,如核酸稳定剂、唾液采集装置、血液RNA稳定剂等更多Biomatrica品牌产品等,欢迎咨询!
货号 | 产品 | 规格 | 品牌 |
62001-046 | DNAgard® Tissue | 100mL | Biomatrica |
12006-051 | RNAgard Blood Tubes & Precipitation Buffe | 50-pack+180mL | Biomatrica |
64201-601 | RNAgard Blood Purification Kit | 50 preps | Biomatrica |
66201-151 | RNAgard Blood Reagent | 100mL | Biomatrica |
CE-12006-051 | RNAgard Blood Tubes & Precipitation Buffer, CE | 50-pack+180mL Buffer | Biomatrica |
CE-12000-001 | RNAgard Blood Purification Kit, CE | 50 preps | Biomatrica |
CE-12100-001 | RNAgard Blood Reagent, CE | 100mL | Biomatrica |
53561-038 | DNAgard® Blood Tubes | 50-pack | Biomatrica |
CE-21001-048 | SalivaGard HT DNA, CE | 48 kits | Biomatrica |
21008-048 | SalivaGard HT DNA | 48kits | Biomatrica |
53091-016 | DNAstable® Plus | 2 mL | Biomatrica |
52091-026 | DNAstable® Plus | 10 mL | Biomatrica |
93021-011 | DNAstable® (3 x 25) Tube Kit | 3 x 25 tubes of DNAstable | Biomatrica |
53001-066 | DNAstable® LD | 2 mL | Biomatrica |
52001-026 | DNAstable® LD | 10 mL | Biomatrica |
93221-001 | RNAstable® Tube Kit | (25)Tubes of RNAstable® | Biomatrica |
更多有关Biomatrica产品介绍,请联系Biomatrica试剂代理——BETWAY Nigeria 。