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货号 | 产品 | 价格 | 品牌 |
BDB560747 | BD Human Cell Surface Marker Screening Panel | $2,980.00 | Fishersci |
50-610-71SET | MilliporeSigma™ P2X7 Receptor (576-595), Rabbbit Polyclonal, ChIP Validated Antibody and Primer Set | $446.50 | Fishersci |
03-107MI | MilliporeSigma™ RIPAb+™ EF1α RIP Validated Antibody and Primer Set | $603.00 | Fishersci |
BDB568263 | Human T Cell Backbone Panel Kit, BD Horizon™ | $1,690.00 | Fishersci |
17-100-46MI | MilliporeSigma™ Upstate™ Histone H3 (CT)α, Rabbit Monoclonal, ChIP Validated Antibody and Primer Set | $563.00 | Fishersci |
BDB557792 | Mouse B Lymphocyte Enrichment Set - DM, BD IMag-DM, Biotin, BD | $560.00 | Fishersci |
BDB551882 | Human TNF ELISPOT Pair, BD | $520.00 | Fishersci |
17-211 | MilliporeSigma™ Acetyl-Histone H4 Antibody Set | $688.00 | Fishersci |
45-001-398 | Cytiva Microspin G-50 Columns | $350.00 | Fishersci |
22-387-009 | Thermo Scientific™ KingFisher™ Flex™ Purification System Accessories | $6,868.00 | Fishersci |
11-201-0400 | MP Biomedicals™ Gnome™ DNA Isolation Kit | $201.00 | Fishersci |
MP116560200 | MP Biomedicals FastDNA™ SPIN Kit for Soil | $664.00 | Fishersci |
23-285-976 | Streck Nanotrap Microbiome B Particles | $800.00 | Fishersci |
23-285-978 | Streck Nanotrap Enhancement Reagent 3 | $150.00 | Fishersci |
45-001-397 | Cytiva MicroSpin™ G-25 Columns | $367.50 | Fishersci |
45-000-149 | Cytiva NAP™ Columns, NAP-25 | $398.00 | Fishersci |
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