一、Corning Cellgro公司简介
Cellgro创立于1984年,是一家集研发、生产、销售与服务为一身的生物技术公司,主要产品为培养基,拥有符合美国FDA(21 CFR,820)cGMP标准的生产厂房,产品种类齐全,产品质量处于行业TOP地位,已被广泛应用于各大院校、科研机构、医药及生物技术企业。
二、Corning Cellgro部分产品列表
货号 | 产品 | 规格 |
C866M54 | Trace Elements A | 1000x, 100mL |
C866M55 | Trace Elements B | 1000x, 100mL |
C866M56 | Trace Elements C | 1000x, 100mL |
B003K30 | MEM, 1X, With Earle's salts & L-glutamine | 6 x 500 mL |
B003K31 | MEM, 1X, With Earle's salts & L-glutamine | 6 x 1 L |
B003K68 | MEM, 1X, With Earle's salts, without L-glutamine | 6 x 500 mL |
B003K69 | MEM, 1X, With Earle's salts, without L-glutamine | 6 x 1 L |
B003K75 | MEM, 1X (For Suspension Cultures), | 6 x 500 mL |
B003K94 | MEM, 1X, With Earle's salts, | 6 x 500 mL |
B003L81 | MEM, Powder, With Earle's salts & L-glutamine, | 1 x 10 L |
B003L82 | MEM, Powder, With Earle's salts & L-glutamine, without sodium bicarbonate, | 1 x 50 L |
B003L83 | MEM, Powder, With Earle's salts, L-glutamine & nonessential amino acids, without sodium bicarbonate, | 1 x 10 L |
B003L84 | MEM, Powder, With Earle's salts, L-glutamine & nonessential amino acids, without sodium bicarbonate, | 1 x 50 L |
B003M11 | MEM, Powder (Autoclavable), With Earle's salts, without L-glutamine & sodium bicarbonate, | 1 x 50 L |
B003M55 | MEM, Powder, With Earle's salts, without L-glutamine, phenol red & sodium bicarbonate, | 1 x 10 L |
B003K55 | Medium 199 (Mod.) with Earle's salts and L-glutamine | 500 mL |
B003M06 | Medium 199 (Mod.), Powder, with Earle's salts and L-glutamine without sodium bicarbonate | 10 L |
B003M65 | Medium 199 (Mod.) Powder, with Earle's salts, without sodium bicarbonate, L-glutamine & phenol red | 10 L |
B003R02 | MCDB 131 1X | 500 mL |
B003K57 | Ham's F-12 Medium with L-glutamine | 500 mL |
B003K58 | Ham's F-12 Medium with L-glutamine | 1 L |
B003M02 | Ham's F-12 Medium, Powder with L-glutamine without sodium bicarbonate | 10 L |
B003K38 | Iscove's Modification of DMEM with L-glutamine and 25 mM HEPES without ß-thioglycerol and ß-mercaptoethanol, | 500 mL |
B003K39 | Iscove's Modification of DMEM with L-glutamine and 25 mM HEPES without ß-thioglycerol and ß-mercaptoethanol, | 1 L |
B003K76 | Iscove's Modification of DMEM with 25 mM HEPES, without ß-thioglycerol, ß-mercaptoethanol, and L-glutamine, | 500 mL |
三、Corning Cellgro培养基代理简介
Corning Cellgro培养基代理——BETWAY Nigeria ,于2017年在北京成立。依托中科院的科研技术力量,整合经验丰富的商业团队及管理团队组建而成,专注于免疫学、细胞生物学、分子生物学等领域核心试剂产品的研发、生产与销售。58必威外网 在产品自主研发的同时,也与全球多家生命科学试剂供应商建立良好的合作关系,基于“客户第一"的核心理念,向全国10000+客户提供200000+优质产品。公司以北京运营中心为主体,在天津、上海、浙江、江苏、广州、深圳、武汉、成都、重庆等地建立办事处及联络中心,并建有北京、天津、深圳三大专业化库存与物流基地,以更好地服务全国客户。
58必威外网 将以品质树立品牌,以服务赢得口碑,致力于成长为重要的生物原料及生物化学试剂开发与成果转化的开tuo者,并成为行业TOP供应商。